$37.00 USD

Mind.Body.Tech.™ Digital Health Check - Ebook

Mind.Body.Tech:™ Digital Health Check

Ensure the results of your "digital check-up" are H.E.A.L.T.H.Y.

What is Digital Health? Are you aware of your own digital health and how it impacts your overall well-being, …or the well-being of your children, friends, family, and community?

The purpose of this e-book is to promote digital wellbeing through raising your understanding and awareness of the correlation between digital health and mental well -being in today’s ever advancing technology and digital age.

Just as we prioritize physical health check-ups, it is equally important to give attention to our digital health. In this e-book we will delve into the concept of "Digital Health" defined as the intersection of mental health and the digital world.

What you'll get:

  • Discover ways to assess and address the impact of technology on our mental and physical well-being.
  • Understand the importance of scheduling digital health check-ins with yourself.
  • Learn the steps to take to help balance the effects of technology on your mind and body.
  • Discover new apps and advancements in technology to help you stay H.E.A.L.T.H.Y.

By integrating the steps described in the Mind.Body.Tech.™ Digital Health Check, you can begin to raise your awareness and make informed decisions about your digital habits.

The Mind.Body.Tech.™ Digital Health Check e-book takes you on a transformative journey full of opportunities to define, create, and integrate periodic digital health check-ups as part of your mind, body, tech self-care system.


Note* Upon purchase of this item, you will receive an email with a link to download a copy of your Ebook. Please check your email or spam folder for the email to download your Ebook. 

*All Ebook purchases are non refundable.